Planning application process

Message from Selby District Council
As a result of the Statement of Community Involvement questionnaire last year where we asked for your views and suggestions for increasing the advertising of planning applications, we have made a few changes to the way we advertise the planning application process. You may have already spotted some of the activity on our social media feeds, as we have recently been sharing information through our own social media channels about how to view, track and find out more about planning applications using the Public Access website.
This has been through a particular focus on:
Using the Council’s Public Access system to access planning application information -Producing a ‘How to’ video showing how to use the Public Access platform -Registering on Public Access keep up to date with new applications - Using the weekly and monthly lists to view submitted and made decisions
Promoting planning committee meetings before and after they take place, including specific information about the applications being considered
Explaining the planning process through a series of ‘Did you know’ social media posts
Explaining the planning appeals process through social media posts
To assist us in promoting the use of Public Access and the ways of engaging in the planning process, we’ve also prepared the attached leaflet for you to share with residents and businesses. It sets out more information about the planning application process and how to find out more about planning applications.