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District Council agrees below inflation Council Tax rise to keep down costs

Selby District Council has agreed a rise of just £3 over a whole year for the Council Tax on an average-sized home.

The District Council gets around 10% of the total Council Tax you pay. This decision means that all district council services – including your waste and recycling collections, leisure centres, planning, housing support and environmental health services – will cost just £178.22 for the whole year.

The £3 increase is equivalent to around 6p per week for people living in a Band D home. That’s a rise of just 1.7%, which is below the rate of inflation – that’s the measure of how much the price of things rises each year. It’s important to remember that this relates just to the District Council’s part of the overall charge. Others who are funded through Council Tax – including the County Council, police and fire service - have made separate decisions about increases to their part of the bill.

District Council Leader, Cllr Mark Crane, explained, “We’ve listened to what people have to say about Council Tax and I’m clear that I want to us to be fair to people living in our area by putting in place only a modest increase. This increase is less that the rate of inflation. Although our part of the overall Council Tax bill is only about 10% of the total, it’s really important that we do what we can to keep costs down for people in our area. We’ve got a really good track record of doing more with each and every pound we receive. This will continue, so we can carry on delivering good quality services and investing in our district to make our area a great place to live and to open up new jobs and opportunities for people living here.”

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