NYCC’s Stronger Communities programme
NYCC’s Stronger Communities programme - Inspire grants of up to £1000 may be available you.
There is an open day on Friday 14th September at 10:00am - 12:45pm
Tadcaster Community Library, Station Road, Tadcaster, LS24 9JG
Drop-in to our ‘Get Inspired!’ event. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with your local Stronger Communities Delivery Manager and a representative from Community First Yorkshire
Learn about Inspire grants of up to £1,000 to help local communities turn ideas into actions, and the practical support available to help you.
Think about activities based on the 5 Ways to Well-being which can improve people’s happiness and well-being: connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give.

Contact: Tom Jenkinson NYCC Stronger Communities Delivery Manager (Selby District) Selby Civic Centre 01609 533808 07790815838