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Residents Views and Concerns

This year the Parish Council booked a table at South Milford Primary School fete. We were in a back classroom along with St Mary’s Church, The Park Committee, the Doctor’s surgery and pre-school sweet jar tombola! The weather was not promising at first but by mid-afternoon had brightened up and brought a lot of residents out to enjoy the day.

The purpose of our presence was to continue to try and improve communications with residents by introducing who we are and our areas of interest as well as publicising our website, advertising vacancies for new Councillors and encouraging residents to support the Parish Council through being a friend or supporter of the council. More about this initiative in a later blog.

We were also keen to see what areas the residents would like the Parish Council to concentrate on[G1] over the next year. We highlighted various key issues on a display board and encouraged residents to talk to us about which ones were most important to them. We have summarised below what we learnt from these discussions.

Litter/Fly tipping and Dog Fouling we classed as one area and was the area most residents wanted us to tackle. It received 11 comments of which 6 were for concerns over the amount of dog fouling that went on.

Overflying houses and the village by planes received 7 major concerns. These were from residents directly affected by low flying planes over their house or street and the general concern was noise, the spoiling of their enjoyment of their garden and general safety. Others did say that the planes were not a concern but on examining the flight path admitted that the planes were breaking Sherburn Aeroclub recommendations.

Highways issues and in particular speeding was also a major concern, with 7 concerns listed. Speeding was the key issue with 4 concerns, pavement condition being one concern and HGVs coming through the village getting 2 concerns.

We got a welcome interest from the young people of the village with 5 of them wanting us to improve the sports and leisure facilities.

Planning issues received 2 concerns, each not wanting further housing development and stating concerns that the village may lose its integrity.

On environmental issues (including tree maintenance and grass cutting) the main concern was the smell from the recycling plant receiving 2 concerns, with Public Rights of Way not being properly maintained and kept clear receiving one concern.

Flooding only received 1 concern which was that onward funding should be provided to keep up the good work of preventing flooding in the village. Most people didn’t see it as an issue thanks to the good work already done by SMAF.

There was one suggestion that a wild life area should be created in the Park with bird boxes being put up. Another resident wanted the pigeon population reduced.

The good news is that there were no concerns over crime in the village.

We had a lot of positive feedback regarding our newsletter, but do please let us know if you did not get one and we will get one to you.

We currently have 2 vacancies for a Parish Councillor, so if you are interested please get in touch with Ann Rowling our Parish Clerk. If you are interested in supporting us with regards any of the issues mentioned, either by joining a working group, or writing to NYCC, SDC or your MP please also get in touch as we welcome all the help and suggestions you can give.

Our next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for the end of September, so please look out for the agenda on Facebook and our website and you are most welcome to attend.

Ginny Sibley

Vice Chair

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